

Sunday, January 13, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things!

Gosh, this boy sure loves his TV.  His favorite show seems to be Sesame Street.  Doesn't he seem engrossed in episode 4?  Haha.

If you try to move in front of him or move him away from the TV his head follows it and sometimes he gets pissed.  I try to make sure we do other things with our time together.  We play in his play gym, his exosaucer, upstairs in his room reading books and playing with toys.  He enjoys all of these things but his favorite past time seems to be TV.

I've also noticed another favorite of his.  The letter R in his nursery above his changing table.  I swear.  I put him on his changing table to change his butt and he looks up, sees the letter R and gets a HUGE smile on his face and will sometimes chuckle at it. I'm not sure if it's the shape or the color yellow but he just loves it and he doesn't care about any of the other letters.

Remy loves to just hear me chat.  It doesn't matter what I'm saying or how I say it, he just loves it.  He thinks I'm funny.  :)  I'll take advantage of this while I can.

Remy's favorite toy is his blue ball.  It's the easiest toy to grab and stick right in his mouth.  He usually just sticks his tongue through the holes.

Remember when I was having a hard time getting Remy to take a bottle?  Well, now that we found the right bottles he loves them.  In fact, he usually refuses to nurse now that he knows he can have a bottle.  He lets me nurse him in the middle of the night, sometimes in the morning and maybe once in the evening.  It's kind of sad...  Nursing was one of the few things that only I could do with him.  It was our special time together.  Now I have to spend my day pumping...  Fun times.  But, he's worth it.  He always has to have his hands everywhere.  When he's tired he usually rubs his face and his hair.  It's so cute.  :) 

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