

Monday, February 25, 2013

Big Boy Chair

Since Remy has started on solids I thought I'd put together his highchair so we don't always have to feed him in his bumbo.  Now we can all have dinner at the kitchen table together.  :)  I seriously can't believe it's time for a highchair already.  Time is going by too fast.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Real" Food

On Sunday Phil wanted to give Remy his first "real" food experience.  The kinds of food are quite limited at his age so I thought a sweet potato sounded the best.  We steamed the sweet potato, pureed it with some breast milk and whala!  I was quite surprised that he seemed to really enjoy it!  (In my opinion, it looked and smelled disgusting.)  I plan on making all of his baby food so I guess my weekends from here on out will be making baby food for the week.  He's growing up so fast! 

On a different note, my Rem has become a thumb sucker.  It's pretty cute.  :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

3 Month Photos

I got Remy's 3 month pictures back today and they turned out absolutely perfect!  I cannot wait to order them and have new pictures sitting at my desk at work.  :)  As always, my talented friend Jess Arco took them and did an amazing job.  Gosh I just LOVE this sweet little boy!!!!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Yum yum!

We had our first attempt at solids the other day.  We decided to start with rice cereal.  Rem was not sure what to think about it.  Most of it ended up on his chin and his bib.  I'm not really sure if any of it actually went down.  Haha.  He was quite puzzled by the whole experience.  He didn't exactly push it out of his mouth, he just didn't swallow it and it just dribbled out.  Haha.  I think we'll just wait another week and try again.  Maybe we'll do this once a week until he gets used to the spoon, texture and taste.  Once he gets used to it and seems to want the rice cereal then we will start doing it every day.  We are in no hurry.  :)

Getting ready to eat my first bite of real food!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

4 Months!

Remy turned 4 months old on Saturday and he had his 4 month check-up today.  He is now 15 lbs 10 oz (50-55%) and 27 inches long (99-100%).  My big string bean!  Doc said everything was a-okay.  He's a healthy baby!  We talked about starting solids and I think we'll do that soon.  Remy used to sleep through the night and for about the last month he's been waking up 1-2 times a night (most nights just once).  The last week he's been waking up 2 times a night.  I'm thinking he might just be in a growth spurt this last week but I'm hoping solids will maybe help him sleep through the night again.  Who knows.. maybe it will help, maybe it won't.  But doesn't hurt to start.  If he's interested then great!  If not, we'll wait another month and try again.  He's growing up so fast!!

In the last few weeks Remy has been wanting to interact with people more and more.  He loves to chat and smile at strangers.  He's also been wanting to "stand" a lot more so he loves his exosaucer and likes to sit in his bumbo.  He also likes to lay on his back so he can kick, kick, kick and throw his arms around.  Sometimes he's a mad man thrashing all over!  I would upload a video of his cuteness but my computer won't allow it atm and I'm too frustrated with it to try again.  He also loves to grab his feet.  I bet it won't be long until he wants to stick his toes in his mouth!