

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Ride

Well I think it's finally time for us to start putting away the "baby" toys and start pulling out the "big boy" toys.  Sad....  I'm pretty sure I should have done this a while ago but I'm just not ready for him to not be a baby anymore.  He's turning more and more into a toddler everyday.  He's not big on cuddles and sitting in one spot anymore.  He loves to go, go, go.  So last night Phil and I were thinking we needed to pull out one of his big boy toys and see if he's ready for it.  He LOVED it.  Maybe it was because it was something new to play with, maybe he was ready for it for a little while now... either way, he loved it.  He's not to the stage where he can peddle himself around yet but it has a foot rest where he can put his feet up and he loves to be pushed around.  We were pushing him around the yard and I forgot my phone in the house so I couldn't take a video of it.  Phil took one but his phone sucks really bad.  But Remy was squealing with delight as we drove around!  Ugh, can't believe he's almost a year old.......

Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Official!

Remy is officially "normal" crawling!  He's been army crawling for about 2 months now and every day I felt like he was going to crawl but he just never did.  He has been getting on his knees a lot lately but never moved forward.  Last night he finally did it!  I was so proud!  I went and told Phil right away and he was like, "what's the big deal, he's been walking along furniture for a week or two now".  So Phil doesn't think it's that special since he's been army crawling and walking along furniture but I think it's a big deal.  I'm hoping he gets better and better at it and stops the belly scootin all together.  I'm sick of seeing how dirty my floors are.  :) 

Monday, August 5, 2013

10 Months Old!

Remy is 10 months old!!!  Only 2 more months and then he’s a year old!  My little buddy is growing up wayyyyy to fast.  It's time to start planning his first birthday party.  

 In the last month I feel like he’s learned so many new things.  Still no real crawling but he’s very quick at belly scootin around.  I can’t wait until he picks his belly up off the ground so I don’t have to see how dirty my floors are anymore!!  He can also go from his belly to sitting all on his own now and likes to do this over and over and over again.  This is a huge milestone that I was very happy to see.  No more whining for me to pick him off the floor and put him in the sitting position – he can do it himself!  :)  It's super cute to go upstairs to get him in the morning and see him sitting in his crib chit-chattin away.   

Remy is  also pulling himself up on everything.  The windowsill, the couch, the coffee table, his train table, whatever is nearby.  He doesn’t need help in that department anymore either!  He’s also attempting to walk along furniture but isn’t very sturdy at it yet.  But he can definitely get from point A to point B if there is furniture to walk alongside!  We are also practicing our walking and standing by himself but I think it will be a while yet before he’s doing that on his own.  We’re also working on our crawling but if he wants to get somewhere fast he gets right on his belly and scoots.  He will stay on his knees for a little bit but has not moved forward or backward while on his knees.  

Remy doing his current favorite thing - standing:

 Remy also thinks I'm a jungle gym:

 We’re also doing very very good in the food department!  My picky eater isn’t so picky anymore.  Most everything we put in front of him he eats.  In fact, he eats so much food!!!  I don't know where it all goes.  Dinner time is when he seems to eat the most.  Right now he loves green beans, brats, mac-n-cheese, fish sticks, grapes, rice sides, toast with jelly and chicken on the grill.  We've also started putting a little cow's milk in his bottles.  Soon I'll be done pumping!  YAY!

Remy loves to chit chat and most of the time he's saying babababa or mamamama.  He still doesn’t say dada and I don’t think he knows I’m “mama” quite yet (though Phil thinks he does).  I think he just likes to say it.  He also tries to copy me when I say “vroom” while we’re playing with his cars but can’t seem to say it right.  So cute!   

On the weekends Remy loves to start his day watching Sesame Street.  He's entranced with Elmo:

 Remy is one happy baby.  He loves all of his new found abilities and practices them over and over again.  He laughs at himself all the time and loves watching the dogs.  If the dogs are playing with a ball in the living room he likes to scoot after them and try to get the ball too.  Or he likes to just sit and watch them bark and growl at each other.  Apparently that's hilarious.   

We also had our first haircut this month, which I already blogged about.  Ahh, he looks so much older now, more like a toddler!  We are a little behind on his 9 month pics.  We were at the cabin when he turned 9 months and then he got sick when we were going to do them when we got home.  Then we attempted them last weekend and he was super crabby (unlike him) so that didn’t go over well.  So our final attempt was last weekend.  They will be 10 month pics instead.  :)  He wasn't exactly crabby but wasn't his normal happy self.  He just doesn't like sitting in the grass and of course we want to take his pics outside!  Hopefully we got a few good ones.  
I just love this boy to bits and pieces!!!  I love watching him learn and grow and I can't wait to see what he does next.  :)