

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Potty Training

Potty training has commenced!  It was mostly Remy's decision.  One day he just decided he didn't want diapers anymore.  The kid kept pulling his pants off and ripping his diaper off (cloth or sposie - didn't matter). This is great timing since I am on maternity leave and all.  So the last few days Remy has spent the day running around with a bare butt.  He hasn't had any accidents under my watch so I thought it was time to pull out the undies.  Well, that didn't go over as well.  He went potty in his undies within minutes.  So we did a few more bare butt days and tried undies again yesterday.  Finally, a whole day in undies and only one accident!!  I was so proud of him!  He actually got very upset with me when it came time for nap and I had to put a diaper on him.  He wanted to keep his undies on but he usually wakes up with a wet diaper.  So we will continue diapers at night time and nap time for now.  I'm hoping this continues but I'm really nervous about our first venture out of the house without a diaper.....