I finally feel like Remy's nursery is complete. I know I've posted pictures before but there have been a few important additions to the room so I wanted to share the final project!! Gosh I love how his room turned out! And in less than 2 weeks we plan to move Remy from our bedroom to his nursery so he'll finally start using it!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Big Boy!
Remy is growing way too fast! He's been a little too big for his bassinet for a few weeks now and I wasn't ready to move him upstairs quite yet. My goal was to move him into his nursery when he's 10 weeks. So, since he is only 7 weeks and is too big for his bassinet I decided to take it off his pack-n-play. Now he just sleeps in his pack-n-play and he seems to be happier in it. He has much more room to kick and he can actually stretch out his legs!
Time is going by too fast... very soon he'll be all the way upstairs in his crib! :'(
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Holy Vomit
Last night Remy was soooo good! He let me sleep for 8 1/2 hours (which I needed desperately)!!! I woke up at 7:45 and he was just hanging out in his bassinet, happy as can be. I fed him like usual and he proceeded to throw up all of his breakfast 2 seconds after feeding him. No big deal since I had to change him out of his jammies anyways. So, I changed him (into the cutest outfit ever) and he proceeded to throw up for a second time. That outfit was in the dirty bin in less than 20 minutes. The third outfit for the day didn't last long either. Another major vomit. This time it ended up in his hair, all over himself, the couch and myself. So, to the bath it was! Now we are on our 4th outfit and I decided we were going to have a jammy day.
Happy as can be 2 seconds before vomiting over outfit #2:
Exhausted after vomiting all over? Hopefully these jammies last longer.
Well, it's been a few hours since all the vomit and outfit changes so I'm guessing he's ok. Poor little guy must not have felt very good. :( But there was no tears or fussing. Apparenlty he just wanted me to do laundry today.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday night was my first time away from Remy (for more than 15 mins). The last Twilight movie came out Friday night so my gal pals and I went out for dinner and then to the movie. Leaving Remy for the first time was bittersweet. I was excited to hang out with my friends without all the kids around and have some actual grown up talk but I also missed him terribly and wondered if he was doing okay with Phil. I know Phil can take care of him just fine but still... I wasn't there. I did pretty good I think. I cried when I was leaving and on my way to meet the girls but when I got there all was fine. I thought about him the entire night though so it was hard for me to concentrate on our conversations and the movie. I'll get better, I promise. The first time is hard though! Why is it so hard for the mother to leave her baby for the first time and the fathers don't have a hard time at all and don't get why we do? I mean look at this face!!
Thank god he was still awake when I got home. I ran in the house, dropped my shit and grabbed him out of Phil's arms. Haha. Next time I leave him will be on Friday when I go Black Friday shopping. I'll be away probably twice as long!!! Ugh. Oh well, it's helping me to prepare for when I go back to work. At least the first few times I'm leaving him it's for something fun.
On a different note, I forgot I had little booties for him that rattled when he kicks. I put them on him yesterday and he seemed to really like them! He was kickin up a storm. :)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Happy Boy
Not a very attractive picture of me in my "I don't give a crap hair-do" but I just had to share it because Remy is way too cute for his own good! He's such a happy boy. It seems like his favorite part of the day is getting his diaper and outfit changed in the morning. I personally think he just likes to get naked. Every time he smiles it just melts my heart. I cannot stinkin wait until he starts laughing!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Newborn Pics!!
I just got Remy's newborn pictures and my maternity pictures back today! My wonderful, talented friend Jess Arco took them and did an amazing job, as always (her facebook page and her blog). Here are just a few of my favorites (it was hard to pick just a few)!
Me about to burst:
Remy's newborn pictures were taken when he was a week old. I can't believe how much he has changed and grown since then! I love my boy!!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
New Discovery
Remy has just discovered his hands and is learning how to use them! It's like it just hit him today that they are attached to him and he can control them. Now he puts his hands in his mouth constantly. He actually tries to fit his entire fist in his mouth. Haha. Silly boy. :)
Saturday, November 10, 2012
First Outing Without My Baby
Today was the first time I left Remy with a babysitter!! Okay, I really didn't leave him long but I still left the house without him. Today I went to the dump a few miles down the road to get rid of our trash. So I was only gone for like 15 minutes but still... haha. Grandma Rita came over to watch him and he probably didn't even notice that I was gone. Next weekend however will be the first time I leave for a few hours. I'm going out with my lady friends for a dinner and movie date and leaving Remy home with his daddy. I know I'm going to miss him like crazy and I'll probably text and call Phil a million times. I just hope he isn't too fussy for Phil. Night time is his fussy time usually. This little outing will hopefully prepare me for Black Friday. My mom will be babysitting and we are usually shopping for a good 8 hours (at least). Gotta leave him sometime, right? *sniff sniff
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Growth & Hair Loss
My boy seems to be growing like a weed! He is going through his clothes like crazy. I will put an outfit on him that fit him a week ago and now it's almost too small or doesn't fit at all! His bin of clothes that he's already outgrown is getting more and more full. He's growing too fast and time is going by too fast!! Part of me feels like it was just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital and part of me feels like he's always been here.
Remy has been slowly loosing his hair but I just noticed the other day that a ton has fallen out. Pretty soon he is going to look like his daddy and be a baldy!
Remy going bald:
Daddy already bald (sorry, not bald - "thinning" and "receding" ;))
Saturday, November 3, 2012
1 Month
My big boy is one month already! I can't believe how fast time is going. Before I know it my 3 months will be up and I'll be back to work and he will be at daycare. It will go especially fast with the holidays coming. Say it ain't so!!
Remy definitely loves his momma. He is generally a very content and happy boy but when he is a fuss bucket sometimes all he wants to do is lay in my arms. It makes me feel good that I can sooth him but it's sort of annoying when I need to get stuff done. Sometimes he will only take a nap if I'm holding him. My big boy taking a nap in my arms:
Me and my boy! I have to remind myself to try to take pictures of the two of us sometimes. I'm always the one taking the pictures so Phil will always have a ton with him and Remy but I'm always the one behind the camera. Gotta make sure we squeeze a few in with me too.
Remy is such a big boy that he almost doesn't fit in his bassinet anymore. I was going to try to move him into his crib at 10 weeks. Hopefully we don't have to move him sooner because he outgrew his bassinet! I'm looking forward to getting him in his nursery because all of his stuff is there - his clothes, toys, etc. and the fact that his room is so stinkin cute and I can't wait for him to get some use out of it. However, I'm not looking forward to going all the way upstairs when he wakes up. Luckily he generally only gets up 1-2 times per night currently. You would think as he gets older that would get better and better and eventually he will sleep through the night.
Tummy time! Remy likes tummy time. :)
I put Remy on his play gym when he was about 2 weeks old and he could have cared less at that time. He didin't look at anything and just laid there. I put him in there the other day and he loved it! I forgot to get the camera out until he started to get bored but he was still content staring at his toys. :)
This morning I discovered that Remy likes to dance. I usually turn the radio on when I'm not watching TV and a catchy song was playing so I made Remy dance and I got some massive smiles out of him! It's so much fun to watch him learn new stuff everyday and learn what he thinks is funny and what pisses him off.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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